Feb 012008

… have I been?

I’ve been busy lately. And sick. I’ve missed a day of work each of the last two weeks because of the creeping crud. I’m feeling a good bit better, but still have that lingering cough that just won’t go away.

Anyway… important things to touch on from the last couple of weeks…

Boy has still been having trouble at night. More specifically, he has a few issues. The first is that he stalls a ton before he goes to bed, but that’s not a surprise. He’s 3 1/2. However, he absolutely will not go to sleep by himself. He has to have me or Wife (usually me) sitting in his room until he’s asleep. It’s not that hard to do anymore since I got the MacBook, but we really shouldn’t be enabling that sort of thing. One of these days we’re going to have to just lay down the law and let him scream, repeatedly get out of bed and deposit him back in his bed repeatedly for several hours. Apparently it works eventually, according to SuperNanny. /shrug

The other big issue he has is that he wakes up in the wee hours and refuses to go back to bed unless one of us goes with him. Generally he falls right back to sleep when we do so, but ideally we shouldn’t be having to wake up at 5 AM to put him back to bed.

We’ve started an incentive-based solution that seems to be working. It worked with his potty training, anyway. He is totally enamored with my LEGO Star Wars Clone Troopers Battle Pack, so I created a sticker chart. When he slept all night in his bed without getting out until morning, he got a sticker. When he got 5 of them, he’d get a Battle Pack of his very own. It seemed to work well, but he’s not really trained yet. so we’re going to have a go again for the Imperial Drop Ship.

Hope it works. Squishy generally sleeps pretty well, but having the both of them waking up in the wee hours is killing Wife. And it’s wrecking me as well.

iTunes: Burn It Down by Alter Bridge

 Posted by at 2:03 am

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