Jan 042008

First of all, I got my new Crackberry at work today. Interesting, but I like my iPhone better.

Second of all, traffic’s really gonna suck today. I hate it when it rains, not because of the rain itself, but because of what it does to the morons on the road.


iTunes: Hole Hearted (Horn Mix) by Extreme

 Posted by at 12:59 am

  3 Responses to “Two things of note…”

  1. That looks like a pretty cool phone. Let us know how it’s working for you in a few weeks.

    I mean, I know it doesn’t compare to the iPhone. But still, I’m curious. It has to be better than Win Mobile on my BlackJack.

  2. Problem One: There’s freaking buttons all over the stupid thing, and no actual keylock. So any time you take it out of it’s holster (or try to put it *in* said holster), you activate any number of things… voice dialing, menus, etc.

  3. No keylock? That’s fracking ridiculous.

    The BlackJack has one, but it’s like eight keypresses to get it unlocked. And it auto-unlocks at strange times.


    The iPhone is so darn elegant and functional that I think everyone else should be required to trash their current phones and redesign them with a few of Apple’s common-sense features.

    Like the silent switch. And an intelligent, foolproof, one-button locking process.

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