Jan 032008

Well, I haven’t fallen off the planet. Honest. Just been real busy with the death march and all, so I’ll try to catch up here with the “Recent Times in Review” post to end 2007…

Early-mid November: I finally just went for it and bought a Playstation 3. It rules mightily. And Blu-Ray is just gorgeous on “Big TV” (as Boy calls it).

November 25: Went to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra. It was AMAZING! The musicianship was unbelieveable, and the stage show was mind-bogglingly cool. If you get the chance to see this show, DO IT!

December 3: Started my new job at Nasa-Ames Research Center, at Moffett Field. I’m on the Tier 2 helpdesk team, which handles the Mac and PC support once you get past the ‘complete bonehead fix’ level. It’s actually been fun so far. The people are nice, I get to work with Macs *and* PC’s and don’t have to hide my pure loathing of the latter, and I’m sort of the resident expert when it comes to the Mac platform. It’s nice to actually be using the technology in the real world that I spent all that time testing.

December 6-9: Choir musical theater at church. It went well, no mass food poisoning this year.

December 13-16: Live Drive-thru Nativity. We had all sorts of transmitter issues this year, mostly to do with the antennas, I think. We have plans to replace them for next year, hopefully that will help. Although, considering how smoothly things went the last few year I suppose we were overdue for calamity.

December 16: Van Halen live at San Jose Arena (aka HP Pavilion, one of the dumbest names for an arena ever. I mean, really… who names a sports complex after a crappy home computer? At least pick one that doesn’t suck.)

December 23-27: We went to Sparks to spend Christmas with my grandpa and aunt. It was coooooooooooold (highs in the low 20’s) but they didn’t actually get any snow until after we left. 🙁 Boy will have to wait until February to play in the snow, I guess.

December 31 – January 1: Kept New Year’s relatively low key… played some cards at my place with Ryan, Sean and Daniel… then hopped on the laptop for a little Galaxies lurking. Wife was over at Tami’s place with the girls, scrapbooking and doing the whole girltalk thing.

That’s pretty much it for now, I think.

Currently playing in iTunes: Blackbird by Alter Bridge

 Posted by at 12:56 am

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