Nov 092007

Been spending the last couple of days tweaking with my MacBook, getting Leppard (and *trying* to get Windows Echs-Pee) setup. More on the XP thing later. Anyway, I am quite fond of Leopard already. There’s a lot of good in there that just extends it’s lead over everything else in terms of being a useful tool to get things done. I truly do like it. Maybe there’s fewer ‘big ticket’ features (not that there aren’t *any*, of course) but there’s a ton of polish and things that really make it a pleasure to use.

I’m not going to bother with a full ‘review’ of Leppard, there’s plenty of those to be found elsewhere. But I’m going to touch on a few thoughts that come to me along my travels with the new OS. Nutshell: I like it. Do I like it better than 10.4 Tiger? Yes. Very much so. There’s my review. Enjoy. The things I post about it in the coming days will just be my sniveling about the little nagging things that I’d like to see fixed, or that annoy me. But make no mistake: I’m digging the new Mac OS goodness.

And yes, I know that Leopard isn’t spelled Leppard.

NP: Alter Bridge, “Wayward One”

 Posted by at 9:45 am

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