Apr 202008

I’m screwed.

Wissotzky Earl Grey Tea has ruined me. I haven’t been able to find anything that satisfies my Earl Grey jones the way the Wissotzky has. The big problem of course, is that our philistine American palates are apparently too uncultured to know the difference, so most reputable tea companies save the good stuff for their ‘across the pond’ customers, sending us the crap.

And I’ve been acclimated to the really bold Israeli blend of their Earl Grey. So trying to find a replacement now that my tin of Wissotzky is well past it’s half life, has been difficult to say the least.

The Earl Grey Bravo that I got form Adagio is just too flowery for me, and nowhere near bold enough. I think the hibiscus they put in it totally wusses it out. I am happy with my Adagio order though. Their Irish Breakfast is a very nice, mellow, jack-of-all-trades tea and I’m pleased with it. The only problem with it is that I’m almost out. I need to get off my arse and order more of it. I also hear that their Jasmine #12 is to die for.

Wesley was going to take me to Tea Time in Palo Alto on Friday to do some due diligence on my quest for the perfect replacement Earl Grey, but he got busy and I got sick. However, I was craving a decent cup of tea just now and stumbled across a tin of Tea Time Earl Grey Finest that he gave me some time ago. It’s not bad. Pretty good, in fact. Less bold than the Wissotzky, but that’s to be expected. One of Wesley’s friends suggested I try looking at teas in a Persian or Russian grocer for a replacement. I might have to do that, but I have no idea where to look.

Personally, I’d just rather be able to order the good stuff from Wissotzky. Anyone out there read Hebrew?

 Posted by at 4:02 am

  2 Responses to “Tea Lament”

  1. Hobbes,

    Dude, I’m sorry you’re sick. That totally sucks.

    I Googled for a Russian market, and the only one that came up is Cinderella in SF; too far away, and I don’t remember them having tea.

    So I Googled for a Persian market, and smacked myself in the head; of course, Rose Market:

    Rose International Market
    1060 Castro St, Mountain View, CA
    (650) 960-1900

    Yummy food. We should have lunch there and check out their tea.


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