Sep 022008

1. Finally, after about 5 years of threatening, I have installed ceiling mounts in the garage for our bikes. Woo.

2. Put in the new kitchen table. Well… not really new. It’s old. But it’s new for us. And apparently Wife has grown to hate the old one, so this is definitely a win. Happy wife, happy life.

3. Finally bought some canned air and blew out my Powermac G5, in the distant hope that it would affect the constant fan cycling that I’ve been experiencing for some time now. Guess what? IT WORKED! Of course, as I tore the system apart to do so, I could see why. The CPU heat-sink was literally covered in a coat of dust. Looked like a dead rodent, in fact. Anyway, since completing the process, my CPU fans have been idling at a nearly-silent 1250 rpms. Bliss.

Oh, and bonus points… I finally purchased MarsEdit for making my blog entries. Great software, I love small Mac developers, and I grew tired of being a hypocrite. Viva la Macintosh. And as soon as they come up with MarsEdit for iPhone (yes Virginia, it is on the way), I will be all over it.

 Posted by at 4:42 am
Apr 202008

I’m screwed.

Wissotzky Earl Grey Tea has ruined me. I haven’t been able to find anything that satisfies my Earl Grey jones the way the Wissotzky has. The big problem of course, is that our philistine American palates are apparently too uncultured to know the difference, so most reputable tea companies save the good stuff for their ‘across the pond’ customers, sending us the crap.

And I’ve been acclimated to the really bold Israeli blend of their Earl Grey. So trying to find a replacement now that my tin of Wissotzky is well past it’s half life, has been difficult to say the least.

The Earl Grey Bravo that I got form Adagio is just too flowery for me, and nowhere near bold enough. I think the hibiscus they put in it totally wusses it out. I am happy with my Adagio order though. Their Irish Breakfast is a very nice, mellow, jack-of-all-trades tea and I’m pleased with it. The only problem with it is that I’m almost out. I need to get off my arse and order more of it. I also hear that their Jasmine #12 is to die for.

Wesley was going to take me to Tea Time in Palo Alto on Friday to do some due diligence on my quest for the perfect replacement Earl Grey, but he got busy and I got sick. However, I was craving a decent cup of tea just now and stumbled across a tin of Tea Time Earl Grey Finest that he gave me some time ago. It’s not bad. Pretty good, in fact. Less bold than the Wissotzky, but that’s to be expected. One of Wesley’s friends suggested I try looking at teas in a Persian or Russian grocer for a replacement. I might have to do that, but I have no idea where to look.

Personally, I’d just rather be able to order the good stuff from Wissotzky. Anyone out there read Hebrew?

 Posted by at 4:02 am
Apr 202008

I’m sick. It sucks.

Got the chest gunk, the upper sinus gunk that’s making my head pound… I stayed home from work yesterday because I felt like p00p. Then woke up this morning at 5 AM and couldn’t go back to sleep because of the sinus pain. So I got up, took some Sudafed and plopped myself down on the couch for awhile until I eventually fell asleep. I assume this was the case because I woke up again around 9:30 AM to the sound of Boy leaning over and tapping my shoulder saying “Are you sleeping, Daddy?”

If he wasn’t such a little cutie bear, I might’ve had to kill him.

Lucky him.

 Posted by at 3:43 am
Mar 292008

This week has been kicking my butt.

Work has been just insane, I’ve barely had time to stop and catch my breath! At least the week’s over. The fam got back on Thursday night and I picked them up from the airport after work. I didn’t sleep very well this week, which is just what happens when you’re used to someone else being in bed to snuggle up to.

Anyway, it’s been super busy at work lately. Just what happens when you have too much work and not enough people, I suppose. Anyway, on Wednesday we had a welcome respite… even if only for a moment. We had a helpdesk ticket come across the wire with the title… (wait for it)…

“Customer’s PAGER got FLUSHED down the TOILET”

The caps were part of the ticket, which leads me to believe that Tier One helpdesk thought it was as funny as we did.

Anyway… glad the week’s over.

 Posted by at 4:05 am
Jan 102008

People who capitalize “MAC” when referring to the Mac, or to Macintosh computers. Get the freaking memo: A MAC Address is not the same thing as a Mac.

And while I’m at it… Mac OS X is Mac OS TEN, not Mac Oh-Ess Ekks.

I’m sure there’s tons more, but those are the two that are annoying me at the moment.

 Posted by at 6:16 pm
Jan 102008

Since I’ve been getting up earlier for work, I find myself getting mind-numbingly tired earlier. I rather enjoy being nocturnal, and the change is annoying.

Stop it.

iTunes: Rime Of The Ancient Mariner by Iron Maiden

 Posted by at 7:21 am
Jan 102008

Things are relatively status quo right now, nothing much to report. Just working and stuff. Had lunch at Shane and Em’s today… Togo’s Pastrami sandwich is the second best one in the whole world (second only to Modica’s in Long Beach, aka ‘The Destroyer’).

We’re starting a new d20 Modern campaign tomorrow night at Shane’s, that should be cool.

OK, back to it.

iTunes: Tears In A Vial by Megadeth

 Posted by at 12:23 am
Jan 072008

So after the modified version of skating that I did with Boy yesterday, I knew that my lower back was going to hurt a bit. Skating hunched over like that isn’t exactly the most comfortable thing, as gratifying as it was to have Boy ‘skate fast with Daddy’. And then I played hockey tonight (we got killed, 7-2), so now my body is really aching. Tomorrow morning’s gonna be interesting, and Tuesday’s gonna be even more so. Doesn’t help that I have back problems already, at the neck and the lower back/pelvis. The abdominal muscle pull I got tonight is gonna be LOVELY in the morning…

iTunes: Tron Scherzo by Wendy Carlos

 Posted by at 8:29 am
Jan 052008

Well, that was most unexpected.

Traffic was almost nonexistent tonight. I made excellent time getting over to my ‘rents house for dinner. In fact, I made better time than most Friday nights. Go figure. Must be that a whole bunch of Bay Area residents sat cowering in their homes afraid of the wind and rain instead of getting out and going to work.

Weird. It was a nice treat though.

If all goes well, Boy and I will be going ice skating with Mr. Shane tomorrow at Sharks Ice.

 Posted by at 5:09 am