Mar 082009

Barack Obama ‘too tired’ to give proper welcome to Gordon Brown – Telegraph

What? Being President is a lot harder than just blaming the previous president for everything and making things magically ‘Change’ with the wave of a hand?

I know that *I* can’t believe it. The guy’s in way over his head, and all those warnings about him having done NOTHING of consequence to equip him for the job are starting to ring true.

Not to mention that his brand of “CHANGE” means suddenly figuring out that maybe Bush had reasons for at least *some* of what he did and continuing those policies, and putting in office a bunch of Clinton administration retreads in his cabinet.

Change indeed. If by “Change”, you mean “Democrat politics as usual”.

Where’s all the outrage from his “change-istas” now that they can see they’ve been completely manipulated? Answer: nowhere. Because it was all a load of crap. It was *not* about change the whole time, that was just something to latch onto. Just words to further an agenda that had nothing to do with real change and everything to do with the same old neo-socialist leftist agenda that the Democrats have been moving forward with for the last 30 years.

Hope you didn’t actually believe that line about changing things…

You voted in Socialism. Good job.

 Posted by at 10:36 pm

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