Oct 292008

So I have two apologies to make to my friend Wes.

First of all… he was raving about the band Muse awhile back. And I just didn’t get it. They were OK… but nothing special.

I was wrong. They’re quite the awesome.

Second point of clarification… Evernote. It’s quite the awesome. It basically is a client/server app that lets you create and store pretty much any sort of note you want for retrieval from any other client… so there’s a Mac client and an iPhone client, for instance. Which means I can take notes on my iPhone (voice, digital ink, text, etc) and they will get auto pushed to my Mac for use later, and vice versa.

This is just the short description, of course… it’s much more cool than that. And it’s free, with a pay client that adds improved performance, uploads, etc.

Anyway Wesley, you were right and I have updated the “quite the awesome” file. I am just now embracing your wisdom.

 Posted by at 11:42 pm

  2 Responses to “Apologies to Wes”

  1. Hobbes,



  2. Oh, and I still rave about Muse every time I listen to them. They have become, along with Over the Rhine, one of my favorite bands of all time.

    Of course, King’s X is still #1 in my book.

    Re Evernote: it’s become my primary notes app, both for personal and work use. I’ve been using it ever since I got in on the private beta for 3.0 in April.

    I keep my notes in sync between my work PC and my Mac; iPhone and Web access are free bonuses.

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